Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 6

This is the week that figuratively broke the camels back. The weekend rides indicated that I needed a rest week. What was supposed to be a 3 day riding weekend turned out to be only 2 rides, and one of them virtually useless where training load is concerned. Due to the outcome of this week, Week 7 will be a recovery week.

Tuesday: 6 x 5 min @ 270W with 1 min RI at the Kota Damansara loop. AP for sets 267W, 272W, 278W, 271W, 273W, 280W. 10 x 15 sec sprint with 45 sec recovery. 105 TSS points.

Wednesday: The Sufferfest's A Very Dark Place. Felt very strong today. Did an extra set to make it 6 x 4 min @ VO2max. AP for sets 286W, 289W, 296W, 301W, 296W, 307W. 90 TSS points.

Friday: Warmed up with Angels over/under and main set was Revolver. Over/under set NP 244W, 15 x 1 min @ 310W with 1 min RI NP 263W for 32 min. 80 TSS points.

Saturday: Ride to Sempah and back. Wanted to do 8 x 5 min @ 270W but RPE for 240W at the beginning of the climb told me that it wasn't going to happen. So I decided to downgrade it to 2 x 20 min @ 240W. At least I would still me in the lower FTP range. But that didn't happen either. Gave up the ghost after 14 minutes. Felt positively awful. So waited for the Leonard train to come along and just hopped behind to the top. Suffered on the way back on the climbs. 160 TSS points.

Sunday: Legs felt better when riding with P2K ti Batang Berjuntai via Kuang. Main section was the HARD rolling from Kuang to Batang Berjuntai. Felt better in this section compared to when I last rode with them on this same route. NP for this section was 264W for 30 minutes for an average speed of 39 km/h. Was hoping for some more intensity on the way back but two punctures made the ride back fairly sedate. 190 TSS points.

So a total of 635 TSS points this week. After 6 weeks of work (including the week prior to Raya Haji, which was supposed to be a rest week but I but in some hard work), the wheels completely fell off and a recovery week is due. So next week will be have workouts with the same intensity, but two-thirds the time. Time to let the body absorb all that work.

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