Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 5

A Local Here. Still the hardest Sufferfest video ever in my books. Sprints 2 - 4 at the end left me drooling on my bike.
3 x 6 min laps: NP 257W, 260W, 261W.
5 x 3 min laps: NP 276W, 276W, 279W, 278W, 272W
4 x 2 min laps: NP 288W, 284W, 276W, 282W
110 TSS points.

A Downward Spiral. Thought I did OK but looking at the power numbers, it looks like I was a little down from the last time I did the same workout. NP 256W and 248W for the 2 sets. 80 TSS points.

Third consecutive Sufferfest video, A Very Dark Place. This video really forces you to push hard. Really had a hard time on the last 2 sets. Although the Fabian Roubaix video on Lap 4 should really motivate people. Just something about trying to pound HARD over the cobbles just gets you to pour some more juice out.
5 x 4 min laps: NP 283W, 285W, 287W, 282W, 282W.
75 TSS points.

The typical Saturday ride to Sempah with the boys. Felt really crap out of the gate but felt better as we got along. 2 x 20 up Sempah and felt better than previously. NP 259W and 261W. Attacked just after the climb on the Hartamas ramp and pushed all the way til the Penchala toll. 200 TSS points.

130 km ride to the Mantin toll on LEKAS and back. Supposed to be a steady ride but with Leonard in tow, it was steady alright. A steady 33 km/h average and 35 km/h for the last 2.5 hours. Even threw in an attack after the Kerinchi toll just for kicks. Breakdown of the ride:
1-Utama Junction to Beranang R&R: NP 205W, average speed 32.8 km/h
Beranang R&R to Kajang Petronas: NP 210W, average speed 35.0 km/h
Kajang Petronas to TTDI: NP 217W, average speed 35.6 km/h
250 TSS points.

So total for the week was 715 TSS points. One more week of work and then I can dial it back down a bit.

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