Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 10

A Public Holiday on Wednesday meant a longer weekday ride. On the menu today was Home - Perez - Home. All the boys didn't make it for one reason or another.

It was my best ride so far of the two weeks, although it started out far from it. Legs felt heavy all the way to Batu 18, where I stopped to say hi to Ishsal who was meeting up with the others for TSB's Tribute Ride. Felt much better after that. Maybe thanks to a shot of Twiggies.

An FTP set all the way up Perez, where I felt better for close to 30 minutes than I felt for the first 20 on Saturday up Sempah. Maybe Twiggies is magic! :-) I think it was a PB up Perez. Before it was 26 minutes from the junction, but today it was 26:30 from the start of the climb instead. Not too sure as it's been a while, and previous data was lost along with the old laptop. So this can be the new baseline.

Pushed REAL HARD from Batu 18 to home and made it under an hour. Average speed was 37 km/h and it was mostly all me, with some help only on the Phoenix Plaza climb.

Ride data:
Distance: 120 km
Ride time: 4:00
Home - Foot of Perez: NP 194W
Perez: FTP interval NP 261W 26:30
Batu 18 - Home: NP 234W
250 TSS points

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