Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 1 Round Up

So Week 1 is over and done with. A bit low on the TSS side than I would have liked. 5 consecutive rainy evenings meant I was limited to the trainer for evening rides. And riding the trainer limits my watts by around 10 - 20 watts compared to riding outside, hence a lower TSS for the same amount of ride time. Although riding to The Sufferfest's videos does provide a focused approach to trainer riding.

Was aiming for something around 700 TSS points for the week, but only managed 660. But next Wednesday is a public holiday so an opportunity to fit in a slightly longer ride during the week to recover some TSS points. But all in all, a good start to the cycle.

Something I have to take better care of is post-ride nutrition. Get a protein shake down immediately post-ride, and have a small meal within 1 hour after ride. This is definitely more important if I'm riding again the next day. Recovery is definitely impaired if too much calorie deficit (as I found out this weekend, and it's not something new I've discovered).

Week 1 stats:

Total Hours: 10:05
Total TSS Points: 660 points
Week End Weight: 173 lbs (easier to track in lbs as variation is more easily detectable)
Total Work: 6675 kJ

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