Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 14

Sunday was Home - Perez - Home again, but this time with the boys. Sundays are long steady ride days, so kept it steady most of the way, especially on the way back, where usually I take the opportunity to ride it at a hard tempo. The only interval was up Perez. Must have been a tailwind most of the way up, coz it was another pretty fast 26+ minutes to the top. Leading into the climb, Leonard was going like a bat out of hell. In my head, I was thinking "this is what TDF riders must feel like heading into the last climb as the domestiques line them out". Was surprised I managed to hold it up at threshold, since it was a hard week with a hard ride on Saturday.

Ride stats:
Home - Perez - Home: 120 km
Perez: 26:30 NP 261W
235 TSS points.

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