Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 9

Monday was just an easy 30 minute active recovery ride on the trainer. Need to flush that lactic acid out of the legs somehow. Using the stick, the legs felt swollen and tender. Maybe inflammation from all the hard riding in the first week.

Due to Wednesday being a public holiday hence a ride in the morning, I had to ride on Tuesday morning so that I have plenty of recovery time. If I had ridden in the evening, chances are recovery is compromised and I won't be able to get the best out of the ride on Wednesday. So The Sufferfest: Revolver it was on the menu. Short and sweet. And I wasn't too late for work today.

Something I noticed (actually, it's been pretty apparent for a while now) that I do better at lower cadences. At RPM >100, RPE is quite high for the first 5 >300W intervals. But once I started riding the intervals at around 90 - 95 RPM, I felt better across the board and could deliver more constant power to the pedals. Maybe it's all these time riding as a triathlon and a lot of steady state efforts. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Maybe, for road racing, where there's a lot of accelerations to close the gaps or out of the corners. I won't base my whole training on getting my cadence up, but including a couple of intervals with higher cadence should help with things, overall. Who's to say that lower cadences will ALWAYS work. Might have worked for Lance. But an n=1 case shouldn't govern everything. Hail "Der Kaiser" Jan Ulrich!!! :-)

Workout stats:

Main set: NP 258W
65 TSS points

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