Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 6

The normal Saturday ride: Home - Sempah - Home with FTP intervals up Sempah and tempo on DUKE on the way back. Rode with the gang today.

Up Sempah was 2 x 20 @ FTP. Felt good in the first half of the first interval. But as the interval wore on, started to feel worse and worse and somewhat faded at the end of the second interval. But it was the first time that I made it up before the supposed end of the second interval. Reached the top at around 19 minutes of the second interval.

And on the way back, instead of the typical benchmark distance mid-Zone 3 from the DUKE entrance to the end of Penchala Link, it was a two-man breakaway with Leonard up to the Penchala Toll, ridden at close to FTP, reaching V02max on the climbs (didn't go all the way to the end as we waited for Terry at the toll).

Ride stats:

FTP intervals: 2 x 20 (NP 258W, 257W)
DUKE: 21 minutes to Penchala Toll, NP 255W
200 TSS points

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